Hey, this might be the last time i blog for today and tomorrrow and tomorrow tomorrow and tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow and tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow. Yupp, i see tomorrow too many times, it seems like i spelt it wrongly or something. Hahah. I started packing but not everything. I think im still short of shirts, going to queensway later. This year's trip is not as exciting as last year. Not everybody is so enthu like last year.
Where months and weeks before the trip, everybody already pack finish and the day before leaving for perth seemed so long. I still remembered the last night and the previous few nights i could not sleep at all. Hahah, but this year is different, when my head touches the bed, i slept straight away. Hm, maybe because its MAYALSIA and not PERTH. Perth seem much more fun then Malaysia.
Hahaha, i wanna post the perth pictures here. But im too lazy to do it. Maybe when i come back from malaysia then i post it. Hahah.
Bye Singapore, bye my at least cleaner then Malaysia toilet, bye my family, bye some of my friends and not those who are going to malaysia with me, bye singapore money, bye everything that im not seeing tomorrow afternoon.
Hello Malaysia, hello dirty filty disgusting smelly small ugly can-die ewing toilet, hello haze, hello Malaysian money, hello shopping!(: