not ah lian at all right!
Cheryl! i will be the best lab partner you ever hadd!Cheryl brought her darling camera to school. Xie teacher didnt come to school so we can slack! The young relieve teacher came into our class to give us cheena work to do. So we decided to take pictures! Cheryl click the 3 pictures in a row mode and smartly forgottened to off the flash. So we were all posing for the first picture and the flash came out! Then 3 seconds later, another one and another 3 seconds, another picture was taken. Okay, my face was super unglam when the second picture was taken because i was pratically stoning. Michelle looked like a ghost. Haha. It was super candid. Stupid CHERYL TOH.
My saturday morning was ruin by math tuition. Then met Michelle and took train to queensway. OMG! SATURDAY WAS A DAY THAT WAS TOO HOT TO HANDLE! Hahah! Because saw so many ang moh guys! Michelle took pictures of them! I shall not post them. Later people steal them away from me. Fine MICHELLE LOW DE BOONEROUS! CORRECTION: Later people steal them away from US. YES YES, I WOULD LIKE TO THANK MICHELLE LOW BOONIE DE BOONEROUS BOON HUI FOR TAKING PICTURES OF THE SUPER HOT GUYS AND SENDING THEM TO ME. Oh my! Then we saw this super hot guy that looks like andy roddick! Hahah! But he is shorter. If not, ill just go up to him and ask for a picture with him! BOON HUI GOES FOR YOUNGER BOYS! Hahah! Oh wells, cant blame her, she is trying to ungay herself.
My weekends morning are booked with tuition! Oh well, i wanna change my blog skin already. Its rather old.