Haa, although im the one who suggest to wear it. But i think for this year's photo taking, we should wear this year's tournament uniform and not last year's one.
Uh, tomorrow the sec 3s are also following the sec 2s for their first ever friendly match. Haa. Michelle says there will be hot guys there. My camera is on standby!
Oh, the math tuition on tuesday was like shiatt. My math tutor sorta scolded me afew times. There was like so many million times i felt like talking back to him. As in talk back. BUT I HELD THE TEMPTATION BACK. Later he keep picking on me although theres no one to pick but me because its a one to one tuition. YEA. HATE IT. Im gonna have to suffer this again like on saturday? &%$#@*&%^%! DAMN. OKAY, I WILL NOT NOT NOTTTTT ANSWER BACK. Actually i sorta answer back afew times, whispering. And sometimes i said it out loud. HAAA.
Okay, that was shiat. Im growing fat. Ive been eating eating and eating non stop for the past few days. Today while walking back to school, i had a packet of crackers in my hand. Cheryl and i split the packet. I was like super full and im still eating it. I dont know why. Its like automatic. HAA. I think ill be 200kg if i didnt take up Tennis. Ill probably be in the library sitting in front of the computer and eating chips. RAHH. I have to stop. HAA!
Okay, today during RE was pretty shit too. Ms Raju asked us to write about the 3 decisions thing. And Cheryl was telling me about what happened yesterday because i didnt come. I was listening. Than Ms Raju suddenly said my name and asked if im in PE council. And i was like yeah. She said, if i continue to behave like this, i dont deserve to be in the council. WTHHHHH. Im listening to people and and andddd. Okay nevermind. I just dont understand. Maybe because of the previos incident too.
I came home early today just to sleep. I set my alarm at 7 but woke up at 8 instead. How nice. I dont even remember pressing 'turn off' in my phone. I had a weird dream. But it was really nice to catch up on my sleep. Haa.