First few days of CHINESE NEW YEAR is over. And yep, its that fast.
AND AND AND! OMGGG! I HAVENT SEEN SUCH MANY NICE GOODIES LYING AROUND AT HOME IN SUCHA LONGGG TIME! HAHA! When i got home, i jumped onto the sofa and took a container stuffed with food and started eating one container after another. Haa, i just couldent stop. Its like, i see that one, i close the one im currently eating and pick that another one that i want. Haaa. ITS THAT TEMPTING!
And guess what. I failed like SHIAT for my geog test man. Shiat as in really shit. I actually scored ZERO for my GEOG STANDARD TEST. WTFFFFFFFF! Yep, its the paper that i left my answers blank. I didnt come for so many geog lessons.
Tuition later! Ayeeeeeee! Okay, i hate my math tutor. I always dread going for his lessons, or rather i dread him coming to my place. Real shit. I ALWAYS ALWAYS get scolding. WITHOUT FAIL! Eeyerrrr.