Im like freaking happy. Okay, look at this retarded picture.
The overall mark for this question is 6. So both Marryann and i had full marks. But i wrote like almost full. And stewpid Marryann wrote only 2 lines. SO STEWPID RIGHT! My pen ink man! KIDDING! Went to HARD ROCK today for lunch. okay, a pretty late lunch. Haha. Omg, super many angmohs inside. Haha. And the food super expensive. THANK YOU JACINTA FOR TREATING USSSS! THANKSSS! Haaa, thanks Jacinta, your sucha nice friend!
After eating, we went out and it was pouring hard rocks and stones. Haaa. Okay than we ran in the rain. It was rather embarrassing. Stepped in a huge gigantic super duper big puddle. Theres like no other way you can go. And all our shoes were wet. YUK. Went into Zara drenched.
Than walked all over town, here and there with our heavy bag. Our shoulders were aching like crazyyy! At about 9 plus, Michelle went home with her cousin whose working at Kinokuniya and Michelle was tolly embarrassed, super mean! Than Jacinta, Melissa and i took train home. Jacinta's parents gave me a lift back, and she was like super embarrassed?! Haaa. Okay, thanks again anyways!
Urgh! Mood swings sucks.