*shows the pro face*
Im suffering from the symtoms of you. says:
*show the pro face but with tonguexxbabyholdmetight.says:
*pro face with tongue and flares nose like candice*Im suffering from the symtoms of you. says:
*proface with tongue sticking and wiggling
*proface with tongue moving here and there and flares nose like candice doing her fav face*Im suffering from the symtoms of you. says:
*proface with tongue wiggling here and there and candice's -.- and stick out one hand and shake it all about.xxbabyholdmetight.says: *proface with tongue sticking out and flares nose like candice wit hbig eyes and turn one round*
Im suffering from the symtoms of you. says:
*proface with tongue wiggling out from resevioir.---
Obviously you all know who the xxbabyholdmetight is! MARYANN! HHAHAH!
Yeah, inside joke, including the conversation. HAHAH.
Today was moodswinging like SHIAT. Damn.