i've got a devil on my shoulder
Friday, May 04, 2007
OMG F)*&%&^%*&^%*&%%^*&^*(^(%&^%&^%(&^%! I so hate today's stupid geography paper. ARGH, i didnt read the instructions carefully and i stupidly went to do all the questions in the paper when im suppose to only do one and pick another one out of two questions.And the sadest part is, i think, i did better in the last question than the first question in the second section. And everybody says that the marker will be taking my first question. I FELT LIKE.. nvm. Its over already.I cant get the the information about socials studies and geography and every other things out of my head. I need to clear them and make space for my other subjects! Damn, i think my memory card is kinda full. Hahah.I really feel like saying some stuff. I feel annoyed, angry, scared, fucked up, sick, blah blah blah. I just dont wanna see your face anymore. But because of this, i have to endure. You give fucking stupid comments. Your give such comments that really make me wanna slap you. But somehow, i feel that your okay. Okay this is so stupid. Hahah. Anyways, dont worry, the person im refering to is nobody nobody knows. Yeah. Dont bother trying to find out who. Hahah. AND I WANNA SAY THIS, but sometimes i feel rather bad saying. Okay, im really confused now. haha. aye whatever. i decided not to call that person anything, no calling the person fucker, bastard, bitch. hahah. im like being so nice here. hahha.
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